Tuesday, May 6, 2008

...a start

We have a plan. The plan is flexible and changable, but the world we want to create for ourselves has some key features that won't change: Sustainability. Happiness. Life.

I guess the way it is panning out at the moment is that we will be moving to a lovely part of regional Western Australia (currently we are in regional Victoria). We have a date for that: 20 December 2008 (that's when our current lease ends - this reality is both exciting and terrifying). The journey to WA is a little more up in the air, but ideally I want to take a year off teaching and we will travel across Australia in a year while we WWOOF to learn sustainable skills and experience a different way of living so we can make an informed decision about where we want to end up and how we want to live when we get there.

I know a lot more now than I did when I first left an urban life about five years ago to move to a little farm I bought where I lived on my own. Perhaps I'll get into this story in a future post. But, now with my partner, we have a good picture of what we want out of life - the only thing we have to do is find the balance to make it happen.

Is this very cryptic? I apologise if it is, but all this seems so very far away from my current life where I drive an hour to a small town to matyr myself to teaching (as much as I love working with kids) and in these winter months, barely see my love and my dog in daylight hours.

I have lots of thoughts for this blog....stay tuned!

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