Monday, September 29, 2008

The Culling of Stuff

Because I won't pay thousands of dollars to move virtually worthless possessions, I'm doing a massive cull. I aim to leave here with my bed, bedside table, 4 picture boxes and 10 packing boxes, plus the kennel for Bess. Considering the fact that it took THREE trips in a truck to get all my stuff here that is a serious amount to get rid of. We will have a massive garage sale, we've sold some things on ebay, some will be given away and the rest chucked.

To give you an idea of the amount of stuff I'm talking about, here is the 'garage sale room'. There is a lot of furniture that will be sold (including what you can see in here under all the junk!), but this is pretty much all of the "stuff" that needs to find a new home:

And just a moment ago I finished cleaning out the pantry. There are three boxes of stuff that is out of date and either open and half used or unopened. It is all stuff I haven't touched in the almost two years we've been here. I've tried to find somewhere to send it, but really I can't give it away - most of it is years out of date. These aren't small boxes either...

I do feel bad about having all these things/food/junk/stuff/crap/bits and pieces. It is all unnecessary and surplus to what two people need to live very comfortably. I am very much looking forward to getting to Busselton and having very little and trying very, very hard to minimise the amount of things I collect.

The other exciting bit of news is that there is a new community garden in Busselton - this is so much better than trying to grow stuff ourselves. The garden is all organic and run workshops on worm farming, composting and other organic gardening things. Can't wait! I've decided that we should have a rule to only ride our bikes to the garden.

The other decision I've made is to buy an electric scooter to ride to school. I'm sure this will be totally doable, I just need to practice riding one to feel that I'll be okay, which I'm sure I will be. A new challenge to be embraced.

Is this enough positives yet?


katrina said...

Oh geez, how much of that stuff is mine? Shall I send you a key to my storage unit and you can go dump whatever is mine in there so I can transport it over??? What happened to the tents and crap we bought for Meredith? And a swear some of my pantry crap ended up at yours, the water filter etc.? SORRY!!

Jen said...

Well, I only have two of those poor people zip up bags with your stuff in it. I was thinking I'd post them to you - that is probably easier than going to the storage unit. The pantry stuff mostly got used up - a few things got chucked in that lot. I do have the water filter (which we use a lot so I'll probably just get you a new one) and your sugar bowl, but that is about it. The Meredith stuff will be used on the way over. Don't panic about is all under control! :)

Jamie said...

Wow. I am swining wildly between regret that I'm not settling in Victoria and able to siphon as much of these things off for myself, and sheer relief that because I'm not settling in Victoria, I am utterly unable to contemplate doing exactly that.

Jamie said...

Ok well I've slid into the middle on the issue. Since I am flying Qantas I get 1 piece of luggage so I may be the first unofficial shopper after all!

God help me.