Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New lens

Monday, after an aborted attempt to be at work, I was peering at my plants (in order to feel better). I noticed that not only had my pea plants shot up significantly (weird that I didn't notice this before) but that little bud-like things were appearing. As soon as I saw this I realised I couldn't put off buying the macro lens for my camera any longer. I marched straight inside, got dressed, got into the car and drove to Bunbury (40mins away) and bought a lens. Then, for good measure I went to Officeworks and got the computer I've been trying to order off the net but that hasn't yet worked out for various *very* boring reasons. Came home in debt, not happier, but with new toys.

I ran around taking shots with the lens first and realised that I really needed to spend some time practising with it, but got at least a semi-decent shot of the shoot that inspired it all:

And, yes, I'm aware that buying these things may very well be a sign of depression, but I'm embracing it, and I have new toys. Plus, I went to the doctor and got some drugs yesterday. Back to work today...feel...more normalish.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

So good to read some of your thoughts again. This all reminds me of when I was growing a marijuana plant in high school, the excitement of seeing every single new leaf appear and expand was quite separate from what I planned to do with it. It was very exciting.