Snapped this yesterday after I'd repotted some individual basil plants - seem to be having great success with these, and I grew them from seed, which is even more exciting - and I was sitting out there taking the time to really look at my plants. I realised that my cape gooseberry has grown significantly. I had this weird idea that the plant I bought would just stay the same, that the berries that were on it would be the only ones there would be and that would be that. So, I've been surprised to see the plant has taken off, there are new flowers and new berries, including tiny baby ones. I've just been reading about this plant and have harvested some seed, so I might just see if I can grow one myself!
The same thing has happened with my pepino plant (not in this picture), which is so lovely and bushy and green now - not the tired looking little plant it was when I bought it.
Similarly at the plot, my broccoli has taken off, the cabbage is looking good, the onions are growing and there are random little pea plants sprouting all over the place. Mostly I'm just leaving them where they are, unless they are competing with something else, and I'll just see how they go. The strawberry is so happy and content - you can tell just by looking at it!
Water and care, but mostly water, is really all it has taken.
Yesterday I planted red pak choy seeds and kohlrabi seeds - don't even know what this second one is so it will be interesting to see it come up! I also planted some sweet pea (flowers) into a pot. Busy, busy.
Jobs to do: plant out beetroot in the plot and I've got one little spot left in there so I'm going to buy a kale plant and see what happens to that.
I just want to spend all my time doing this stuff, it makes me happier, or more content than I thought possible.
1 comment:
Do you have any mint? I request you grow mint so that I can make us my special cocktail when I am there in June. :)
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